At our Annual General Meeting we thanked Mr Charles Moore as he stepped down as IPAA SA Vice President. Mr Moore has been an exceptional contributor to the success of IPAA SA and an invaluable addition to our Council and committee’s since 2017. Again, we would like to extend our sincere thanks on behalf of our Divisional Council and Professional Members.

This year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM ) was also a great chance to connect and share everything IPAA SA got up to over the 2018/2019 financial year. There was mixed feelings as we farewelled two retiring council members, Charles Moore and Sarah Melin, thanking them for their exceptional contributions, and proudly welcomed two new members to our Divisional Council, Rick Persse, Department for Education, South Australia, and Cathy Taylor, Department for Child Protection SA. We look forward to the insight and experience they will bring to IPAA SA. Cathy Taylor was also recognised at the AGM as an IPAA Fellow, the highest accolade of the institute, in recognition of her exceptional contributions to the best practice of public administration.

We would like to thank everyone who joined us at the AGM as we reflected on what was a great year, and we look forward to another great one ahead.

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