
  • An overview of the Australian system of government, including; the new Australian Leader and Liberal.
  • Liberal Democracy, the constitution, the federal system, the role of the High Court, how the vote is counted and the three spheres of Government.
  • The role of parliament and the legislative process in relation to the Executive Branch and the public service.
  • The relationship between Cabinet and ministers, the public service and other public agencies.
  • The role of the public service in policy development and service delivery.
  • Recent developments in the public sector including management, outsourcing and privatisation.
  • The Media – new and old forms.


  • Apply a better understanding of the role and process of government in Australia.
  • Understand how the machinery of government relates to current issues in public administration and policy development, and where you sit in the ‘bigger’ picture.

Who Should Attend

This course is highly recommended for those new to the public sector (at any level), for those moving into policy and communication roles, and anyone looking to refresh their knowledge on the workings of government.

Benefits to You and Your Organisation

You will better understand the development of policy within the cabinet process, as well as a better understand the function of Parliament, its relationship to the public service and its role in the passage of legislation.

Learn about our speakers

Dr Rob Manwaring

Senior Lecturer, College of Business, Government and Law
Flinders University

Dr Rob Manwaring is a senior lecturer in the College of Business, Law and Government. Rob's background is in public policy, and worked for the UK's Commission for Racial Equality as a senior policy adviser, and also for the South Australian Council of Social Services. Since completing his PhD at Flinders in 2010, he teaches a range of policy and politics topics, and researches into the areas of centre-left political parties, democratic politics, and public policy. Most recently, his edited collection (with Paul Kennedy from the University of Bath) 'Why the Left Loses' (Policy Press) examined the electoral fortunes of the family of centre-left political parties and the ongoing crisis of social democracy.

Upcoming course availability

In person

August 2024

Monday, 26 August 2024

In person

November 2024

Tuesday, 19 November 2024


1 full day
9:30am-4:30pm (9:15am registration)

Contact us for alternate duration and delivery style options

Competency framework
All levels Common

Workbook, resources, lunch, morning tea and refreshments

12 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000
(please visit registration links for further information)
View map

Personal Member $575
State Govt Employee Member $615
Corporate Member $625
Non-member $725

The facilitator may vary but will be a Flinders University Facilitator

  • “I think this is a great overarching course to give a better idea to public sector employees about the political system. All public sector employees should do it!”


    Department for Health and Wellbeing

  • “I now have a better understanding of how government works and the value of the work that I do.”


    Dept for Environment and Water

  • “I feel far more confident in discussing relevant aspects of government operations with stakeholders engaged with my organisation.”


    Education Standards Board