Dr Nick Fleming is the founding director of advisory firm, Innergise. He guides government and private sector clients in resolving policy, strategy and project challenges in highly complex multi-stakeholder environments. Nick also leads executive development programs with the South Australian Leadership Academy and the Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) on complex public policy problems, systems thinking, and executive level leadership.

Nick draws on 30 years of international experience in governance, executive and consulting roles across infrastructure, water, natural resources, defence, energy, mining and social welfare sectors. He is the National President and Chair of the Board of Australia’s peak professional body for engineers, and a non-executive director of a Victorian public water utility. Nick has a particular interest in the deployment of technology to resolve societal problems, including fourth industrial revolution technologies like artificial intelligence and robotics.

He is the author two books, the most recent on complex problem solving called ‘Smashing the State of Dumb-stuck: How to achieve impact and influence in the future world of work by mastering real-world problem-solving’.