EOB 2013
EOB 2013
IPAA SA in collaboration with the Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC) brings you the third High Performance Framework (HPF) seminar – Leadership.
The previous seminars in 2012 focused on customer and citizen focused organisations, and innovation and continuous improvement. These successful seminars attracted over 1,000 public sector employees.
This seminar is the flagship of the series and will address the crucial HPF characteristic of Leadership; in particular ‘High performing organisations are well led’. The seminar presents a unique opportunity to hear from recognised leaders who will provide an insight to the factors in successful leadership.
Key note speaker, Tim Jarvis AM, is one of the world’s leading explorers and possesses an extraordinary adventure and leadership resume’. He is a best-selling author, film-maker and has a fascinating leadership story to tell.
This event will:
The HPF Community of Practice is a space for all public sector employees who work in or have an interest in performance evaluation, innovation, leadership, or continuous improvement. The community maintains an online presence using SAGE, the SA Government’s collaboration platform, at www.sage.sa.gov.au/display/HPF. Please note that this space is only accessible through the SA Government’s network (StateNet).
For more information about the SA Government’s High Performance Framework, please click on the following link: http://www.hpf.sa.gov.au
David Albury argues passionately that the tempting responses to hard times with which we’re all familiar, like disinvesting, rationing and squeezing, are insufficient to tackle the challenges, expectations and pressures on public service in the 21st century. Our task is to continuously improve current systems, while simultaneously both enabling the fundamental re-design of services to meet citizen expectations, and addressing the financial challenges in an age of austerity.
The good news is that we now know how to systematically generate and incubate the kinds of innovative changes in our organisations and services which can allow us to achieve better outcomes for lower costs.
Please join David Albury as he explains how to use austere times to leverage new and better results.
Moderator: Jo Sutherland-Shaw, Director, Organisational Performance, Attorney-General’s Department
What previous participants have said about David:
“Best presentation ever at ANZSOG!”
“What a great presentation, by a passionate and knowledgeable presenter.”
“Great enthusiasm and knowledge of subject material. Articulate and engaging presentation and excellent real life examples.”
As part of Dr Seligman’s final visit as Adelaide Thinker in Residence he presented and contributed to a panel in response to the question; “Can the science of positive psychology contribute to productive and positive workplaces?” Thérèse Rein drew on her extensive experience of implementing positive psychology across her global business to enable both clients and employees to reach their potential, and she will also be part of the panel discussion. Erma Ranieri, Chief Executive of SA’s Public Sector Renewal Program Taskforce, also discussed the central role of employees in enabling positive organisational change and better outcomes for citizens.
The panel discussion was especially tailored towards the public sector and human resource personnel from large organisations. The Facilitator for this event was Gabrielle Kelly, Director of Adelaide Thinkers in Residence, with Raymond J Spencer, Chair, Economic Development Board, South Australia opening the event.