To be a world-leading public sector, it’s essential our workforce reflects the diverse community we serve. Different perspectives, backgrounds and experiences are vital to help us tap into and meet the needs of our community.
The inaugural whole-of-government I WORK FOR SA – Your Voice Survey results backs this approach. The responses clearly show that building a diverse and inclusive workforce – where everyone belongs – is vital to continue to unlock our sector’s potential.
This feedback, teamed with collaboration and engagement from agencies, has helped shape the South Australian Public Sector Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019-21.
On Thursday 5 December we joined Commissioner for Public Sector Employment, Erma Ranieri, for the launch of this whole-of-sector strategy. At this event, Erma shared how, as a sector, we can work together to implement the strategy’s actions and further embed the principles of diversity and inclusion in our workplace.
We also heard from keynote speaker Claire Madden, who gave an interactive presentation into emerging trends on leading, managing and engaging generations in the workplace. Claire explored how diversity and inclusion underpins creating a contemporary and innovative public sector, which can better serve the needs of the community.
As Claire highlighted, in a world of online networks and communities, increased mobility and constant transitions, creating a vibrant, dynamic and engaging workplace culture is key in attracting, engaging and retaining top talent.
At this special Women in Leadership event delegates had the opportunity to hear from a Chief Executive, Professional Development Coach and Head Hunter/ Executive Recruiter about what they look for and what they should do to take the next step in their career. During the event the three panellists each shared their 10 top tips and answered audience Q&A as we explored how you can advance in your career and ‘break through the glass ceiling’. Select Presentations from this event are available below.
IPAA SA Member and Strategic Advisory Committee Member Donna Robb, has made exceptional contributions to leading a positive change for Aboriginal people in the workplace. Donna was recently the joint winner of the Shirley Peisley Award in recognition of her achievements and commitment to several key projects and innovations which included increasing the Aboriginal employment rate in the Department of Premier and Cabinet from 1.4% to 4.2% in 4 months!
She is now working in the Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment helping, to create leadership opportunities and pathways for Aboriginal people in the public sector through the Aboriginal Frontline Leadership Program. Congratulations Donna.
Delegates at the IPAA SA stream of the _southstart event heard from line-up of insightful speakers as they explored new insights regarding entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation in government organisations.
The event was officially opened by the Hon Steven Marshall MP with the IPAA SA delegates first hearing from speakers on the ways public sector institutions can ignite an entrepreneurial and creative spirit. Commissioner Erma Ranieri addressed the audience, outlining the aspirations of her office for assisting in developing a public sector that is outward looking, empowered and able to adapt. She was followed by keynote speaker Professor Rod Glover as he outlined the main findings of his ANZSOG report ‘Today’s Problems,Yesterday’s Toolkit’. He also explored the opportunities for public sector institutions to re-invent themselves to become more orientated towards innovation and problem-solving and to build entrepreneurial competencies.
Clare Mockler also addressed delegates, discussing the Adelaide City Council’s aspirations for innovative and responsive services and policies for the City of Adelaide and the capacity building required to achieve them. Following this Dr Matthew Butlin highlighted the opportunities and challenges for improving public sector productivity and its risk appetite, as well as the imperative that there is a culture of entrepreneurialism to imagine the innovations that lead to those improvements. To conclude the first session Jim Whalley, as the SA Government’s Chief Entrepreneur, shared his thoughts on what the public sector and the private sector entrepreneurial experience can teach each other, as well as how his office and the Advisory Board can assist with public sector balance accountability with entrepreneurialism.
During the second half of the event we explored the experiences of those helping to transition from current public sector norms to an environment where public entrepreneurs can thrive. Charles Landry first spoke to delegates on the theme of ‘Creative Bureaucracy’ across a variety of international jurisdictions, sharing the common experiences and emerging trends that are arising from this work. Doha Kahn, a year 12 student and activist then shared her first-hand experience on the subject, around the work and organisation of ‘School Strike 4 Climate’ movement. Following Ms Kahn, Craig Wilkins spoke to us from the perspective of the Conservation Council of SA, exploring the important role ‘social entrepreneurs’ have in promulgating and normalising the environmental policy agenda and opportunities for the public sector to appropriately engage with the aspirations of social movements and their entrepreneurs. In addition Kathryn Anderson outlined the imperative for both public sector and universities to building stronger ties in unlocking research knowleddge to inform public policy and reflect upon the role, skills and aptitudes required of public/social entrepreneurs in Universities and civil services to realise opportunities. Finally we were addressed by Greg Mackie OAM from the History Trust of SA where he drew upon current and previous roles with the Government of SA and his commercial (retail) and social entrepreneurial (Festival of Ideas) ventures,to reflect upon the importance of a vibrant public discourse in shaping the imagination, aspirations and behaviours of an effective and responsive public sector.
Each session was concluded with a panel style interview, where speakers were moderated by Prof Rod Glover and Charles Landry respectively, as they explored further insights around innovation, entrepreneurship and what it means for the SA public sector.
IPAA SA is exciting to be working with Insight Hack and exciting innovation which enables public servants from across Australia to connect over a six-week period and bring their collective policy and implementation experience to bear on some of the most complex and challenging policy issues facing Australia.
Discussion has now opened on three policy challenges — Government in the Digital Age; The Future of Work in Australia: Preparing Australia’s Workforce; and Mental Health: Towards Zero Suicides.
Entry to the challenge is free for South Australian Public Sector employees under the Innovation Lab’s Mindhive membership. For more information on the 2019 Insight Hack visit
To receive the promo code for free registration (SA Public Sector employees only) please contact the Innovation Lab via
At our Annual General Meeting we thanked Mr Charles Moore as he stepped down as IPAA SA Vice President. Mr Moore has been an exceptional contributor to the success of IPAA SA and an invaluable addition to our Council and committee’s since 2017. Again, we would like to extend our sincere thanks on behalf of our Divisional Council and Professional Members.
This year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM ) was also a great chance to connect and share everything IPAA SA got up to over the 2018/2019 financial year. There was mixed feelings as we farewelled two retiring council members, Charles Moore and Sarah Melin, thanking them for their exceptional contributions, and proudly welcomed two new members to our Divisional Council, Rick Persse, Department for Education, South Australia, and Cathy Taylor, Department for Child Protection SA. We look forward to the insight and experience they will bring to IPAA SA. Cathy Taylor was also recognised at the AGM as an IPAA Fellow, the highest accolade of the institute, in recognition of her exceptional contributions to the best practice of public administration.
We would like to thank everyone who joined us at the AGM as we reflected on what was a great year, and we look forward to another great one ahead.
We were excited to partner with the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure to recognise some outstanding contributions from up and coming young leaders.
Congratulations to the recipients of this year’s DPTI Youth Excellence Awards, whose outstanding achievement was recognised yesterday.
The Winners of this year’s awards were as follows;
Emerging Leader of the Year – Scott Wagenfeller
Excellence – Jasmine Flavell
Innovation -Nicklas Abel
Customer Service – Minjie Lee
Safety – Tyrone Hughes
Culture – Maria Zafar
In addition to their award, each winner was presented with IPAA SA Professional Membership and complimentary access to a IPAA SA training course of their choice. We look forward to seeing more outstanding achievements from this cohort of emerging leaders!
Mr Jeremy Conway shared with us in this On the Couch session, his passion and pride for the role he has stepped into as Chief Executive of Infrastructure SA and leading South Australia’s first 20 Year Infrastructure Plan. Mr Conway highlighted some of the challenges and future opportunities he sees for the state and its infrastructure.
On behalf of IPAA SA and PwC we would like to thank Mr Jeremy Conway for his valuable time as well as Mark Thomson, Partner, PwC for his role as interviewer.