Building a New Civilization of Zero Poverty, Zero Unemployment and Zero Net Carbon Emissions : Ushering in A World of Three Zeroes through Social BusinessSpeaking as a former M&A lawyer and senior leader at a top tier fund manager, Grameen Australia is an independent replication of Grameen Bank which, in 2006 was jointly with its founder Professor Muhammad Yunus, awarded the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize for lifting millions of people out of poverty through microfinance. |
View Katrina Dunn’s presentation slides here.
View the transcript of the event here.
The Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) ACT Division is calling for nominations for the 2018 Prime Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Public Sector Management. These pre-eminent Awards aim to encourage and recognise better practice and innovation across the Commonwealth, State/Territory and Local Governments in Australia.
The Awards aim to encourage and recognise better practice and innovation across all levels of Government in Australia. They focus on specific initiatives and are based on organisations demonstrating success against four demanding criteria. The Awards are designed to honour the achievements of public sector work groups, units and teams rather than individuals, with organisations needing to demonstrate that they are able to devise and implement innovative customer focused initiatives. Nominees must also demonstrate that their success was not accidental, but that it was the result of a methodical and sustainable approach to improving the organisation’s practices in client satisfaction, leadership, people management, change management, planning, governance and innovation.More information about the Awards is available on IPAA ACT’s website, including all nomination documentation and the Invitation to Nominate document.
The main Award category is Sustainable Excellence in Public Sector Management for which the judges may determine Gold, Silver and Commendation Awards. Two supplementary Awards, ‘Collaboration’ and ‘People and Change Management’, may be awarded at the discretion of the Judges.
Last years gold winner went to South Australian Government: Department of Primary Industry and Regions for their initiative: South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Economic Development Program.
Nominations for the first stage open today and close on Thursday 31 May 2018. Finalists will be notified on 18 June and will progress to a second round of nomination and judging. Award winners will be announced at a function in Canberra in October. If you require assistance with your nomination or have any further questions, please email or contact the IPAA office on 02 6154 9800.
2017 is fast upon us…
Do you know what our priorities are for the coming year?
Do you know how to optimise your team to deliver?
Are you developing your team members to perform at their best?
The Talking Performance forum facilitates a strategic discussion about our performance over the last year, our priorities for 2017, and how meaningful performance management and development will help the public sector respond.
Why Attend?
Talking Performance is a unique opportunity to hear from key leaders in our Public Sector and a private sector organisation with challenges just like ours.
The Commissioner for Public Sector Employment, Erma Ranieri
Our Premier, Jay Weatherill, shared his vision for a high performing public sector and why he has a renewed focus on performance management and development.
Chief Executive, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Kym Winter Dewhirst reported on how the public sector has performed over the last 12 months and how it will rise to meet our challenges over the next year.
Panel Discussion – Talking Performance: How can we realise our potential?
Eva Balan Vnuk – State Director, South Australia, Microsoft
David Reynolds – Chief Executive/Under Treasurer, Department of Treasury and Finance
Vickie Kaminski – Interim Chief Executive, SA Health South Australia