The South Australian public sector includes many entities which are established by legislation (Statutory Entities). These entities include public authorities, statutory authorities, statutory corporations and advisory committees. Statutory entities must only act within the confines of legislation. This constraint has direct consequences for the lawful operation of Statutory Entities.

Key outcomes

Key outcomes of the course relate to the lawful operation of Statutory Entities, including:

  • informed and lawful decision-making
  • acting within the statutory mandate
  • acting under valid delegations.


  • the diverse roles of Statutory Entities within the South Australian public sector
  • types of Statutory Entities
  • the significance of being established by legislation
  • understanding the establishing legislation
  • the importance of the specified functions and powers of a Statutory Entity
  • legislative and common law constraints on the functions and powers of a Statutory Entity
  • the significance of a Statutory Entity being incorporated
  • operational and governance requirements under establishing legislation
  • external oversight of decision making, operations and conduct of Statutory Entities

The content would be drawn from various South Australian Statutory Entities and their establishing legislation.

Learn about our speakers

Carolyn Vigar

Tanom Legal

I enjoy working with my clients to develop regulatory and commercial strategies for responsive government at all levels, and the effective delivery of public services and public sector projects. My aim is to ensure that my clients are supported to deliver public services and projects in a manner which is accountable, commercial and meets public policy aims. To achieve this, I have worked closely with clients to develop policies and procedures for corporate governance, commercial operations and the exercise of regulatory powers.

I have advised local, state and federal governments for 20 years on governance and regulatory issues, the delivery of public services, public sector amalgamations, regulatory design and implementation and major infrastructure projects (including water infrastructure, precinct-wide trigeneration, roads, hospitals, ports and prisons).

Upcoming course availability

In person

September 2024

Thursday, 26 September 2024


9:00 am - 12:30 pm (8:30am registration)

Competency framework
Anyone requiring to form or manage contracts within the public sector

Workbook, morning tea and refreshments

12 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000
(room location to be advised)
View map

Personal Member $355
State Govt Employee Member $390
Corporate Member $405
Non-member $440

This course is also available to be delivered in-agency. Please contact us for further information.