
This course is delivered by the Kuma Kaaru Cultural Service who represent many Aboriginal groups from across the state. ‘Kuma Kaaru’ means “One Blood” in Kaurna Language and highlights the open and inclusive approach taken to educate South Australians on Indigenous culture.

  • Land and Diversity – Understand the many Aboriginal groups from the South Australian region and their diversity of language and tradition.
  • Kinship and Responsibilities – Explore the kinship structure of Aboriginal groups and the various responsibilities and expectations of roles within them.
  • Death and Dying Processes (traditional and contemporary) – Apply learning of past and present to interact more empathetically with Aboriginal groups on sensitive issues.
  • Spirituality and the spirit world – Understanding spiritual connections to land and place and how this can be considered when working with Aboriginal groups.
  • Colonisation history and timeline – Expand on ‘truth telling’ with exploration on past events that have impacted Indigenous peoples.
  • Statistics of Aboriginal people today – Grow your understanding of the needs and circumstances of Aboriginal people.

You will walk away from this course with a greatly improved understanding, empathy and sensitivity to Indigenous communities. Additionally, you will have an increased ability to apply this knowledge to working with Aboriginal groups more effectively and empathetically.

Who Should Attend:
  • Anyone who is seeking to improve their understanding of indigenous culture
  • Those looking to help themselves and their organisation grow in their ability to work with diverse groups.
Benefits to You and Your Organisation:
  • Increased cultural awareness and understanding of Aboriginal Groups.
  • The ability to apply culturally appropriate knowledge to your workplace and future projects.

Learn about our speakers

Kuma Kaaru

Kuma Kaaru Cultural Services Pty Ltd

Kuma Kaaru is Kaurna for One Blood! Aboriginal owned business specialising in cultural performance Dance, Didge, Welcomes and Smokings,
We also facilitate Cultural Awareness and Kaurna Language workshops as well as many other work shops.

Upcoming course availability

In person

September 2024

Wednesday, 18 September 2024


1 half-day
9:30am - 12:30pm (9:15am registration)

Competency framework
Applicable to all public sector employees

Morning tea, refreshments and resources

Level 6, 12 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000
View map

Professional Member $355
State Govt Employee Member $390
Corporate Member $405
Non-Member $440