
  • The context of public policy.
  • The cabinet system.
  • Accountability for policy in a Parliamentary system.
  • Identifying issues and agenda setting.
  • The role of the media.
  • Policy skills:
    • What makes a good policy adviser.
    • Policy analysis, tools and process.
    • Linking implementation to analysis.
    • Consultation, when and how?


This program will enable you to understand the policy-making process and the broad principles of public policy analysis.

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for people with limited public policy experience or for those who are moving into a policy position.

Benefits to You and Your Organisation

Enhance your capacity to become a good policy advisor and examine the tools needed for “smart policy” in changing times.

Learn about our speakers

Dr Rodrigo Praino

Associate Professor of Politics and Public Policy
Flinders University

Dr Rodrigo Praino is Associate Professor of Politics and Public Policy at Flinders University. He holds a PhD in Political Science and has received several prestigious fellowships, scholarships and awards, including a Fulbright Scholarship. In 2018 he became the first political scientist to win a Tall Poppy Science Award for excellence is scientific research and communication.

A/Professor Praino was the Director of the Flinders postgraduate program in Public Policy and Public Management for almost a decade. He is an expert in decision-making and political behaviour and has conducted successful research on elections, focusing on how voters make decisions in a context of low-information. His publications in this area cover a wide range of issues, including the effect of political scandals and corruption, the political behavior of young voters, the political representation of women, and the role of candidate physical appearance.

A/Professor Praino is also one of the only scholars in Australia engaged in research on space policy. This is a growing field of research that is quickly becoming extremely important. He is particularly interested in understanding and analysing the importance of space assets for defence, economic development, international relations, and decision-making. He is founder of the Space Power and Policy Applied Research Consortium (SPPARC), which conducts research on space policy.

A/Prof Praino’s research has been published by top peer-reviewed academic journals in the Social Sciences, including Political Behavior, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, American Politics Research and Government and Opposition. It has attracted funding from various sources, including the Australian Research Council, SmartSat CRC, Defence, and UNICEF. It has also featured in major international media outlets, including the Washington Post, the Huffington Post, Politico, the Times of India, the Pew Research Centre and the Herald Sun.

Upcoming course availability

May 2025

Monday, 12 May 2025


1 full day
9:30am-4:30pm (9:15am registration)

Contact us for alternate duration and delivery style options

Competency framework
Entry Level Core (ASO1-ASO2)
Front Line Core (ASO2-ASO5)
(this competency framework is provided as a guide only)

Workbook, resources, lunch, morning tea and refreshments

IPAA SA Level 6, 12 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000
View map

Personal Member $575
State Govt Employee Member $615
Corporate Member $625
Non-Member $725

  • “Engagement from the tutor was wonderful. He was very knowledgeable and allowed the class to ask questions at any point during the course.”


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