  • Role of the proofreader.
  • Role of the editor.
  • Use of style guides.
  • Practical application of editing and proofreading skills to documents.
  • Copyright and defamation issues.
  • Tone and consistency in language.
  • Identify and correct common errors in grammar, typography, and expression.
  • Edit your own and others’ documents.
  • Understand the importance of style guides and how to apply them.
  • Use clear, concise and grammatically correct language.
  • Check documents thoroughly before distribution.
Who Should Attend
  • Communications and marketing staff, project officers or policy staff responsible for writing documents.
  • Staff responsible for the output of documents to defined audiences.
  • Employees at all levels who proofread draft material and need to ensure accuracy.
Benefits to You and Your Organisation

More efficient production of routine written documents with less editing as well as improving your editing and proofreading skills.

Learn about our speakers

Dr Nigel Starck

Specialist Lecturer
Polish Your Punctuation & Grammar Course

Dr Nigel Starck is the Institute of Public Administration Australia’s specialist lecturer in editing and proofreading. A former newspaper editor, he is an author of biographies and histories, and for 17 years directed UniSA communication programs in the Asia-Pacific region. Dr Starck holds a Master of Arts (Communication Studies) degree from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and a PhD in English Literature from Flinders University.
In addition, he has been:
• a correspondent and feature writer over four decades for major newspapers, including The Guardian [UK], The Times [UK], The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age [Melbourne], The Canberra Times, and The Advertiser [Adelaide]

• a published contributor to scholarly journals, including Australian Journalism Review, Australian Studies in Journalism, Journalism Practice [UK], Journalism Studies [UK], and the Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (Singapore).
The need for clear, accurate information and communication has remained a constant factor in all those initiatives over the years. The IPAA acknowledges that demand by offering this course today.


1 full day
9:00am-4:30pm (8:45am registration)

Competency framework
Entry Level Common (ASO1-ASO2)
Front Line Manager Common (ASO3-ASO5)

Workbook and Resources, lunch, morning tea and refreshments

12 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000
(please visit registration links for further information)
View map

Personal Member $575
State Govt Employee Member $615
Corporate Member $625
Non-Member $725

  • “A pleasure to attend such an informative course with such a skilled, articulate, friendly, professional and engaging presenter. It surpassed my expectations.”


    Department for Environment & Water

  • “I proof read every day so this course has really helped me sharpen my proof reading skills.”



  • “Brilliant presenter - engaging, dynamic and fun. No judgement and really pulled everyone into participating in a safe environment.”


  • “Nigel was very engaging and entertaining, while keeping on track with the course aims. He was able to draw the whole class in and get everyone involved, always asking for examples/issues from the participants, and providing/responding with his high level of skill, knowledge and guidance.”


    Department for Environment & Water

  • “Already I have noticed that I have a greater attention to detail. It feels like you go through mind training almost.”


    SA Health

  • “Should be offered to all communications staff in agencies - I would highly recommend this course to my colleagues.”


    Department for Environment & Water

  • “The moment I got back to work I told my colleagues about how amazing this course was and the presenter.”


    Dept for Education