Before the event or training session:

  1. Test your ability to access Vimeo by playing a video from the platform, by clicking here.. Much like Youtube, if you can see the video and hear the audio you should be able to access the event on the day.
  2. Make sure you will have access to a quiet location where you can also access reliable internet.
  3.  Download any materials you may need for the session. These will be sent to you prior to the session if they are required.


During the event or training session:

  • If you experience IT issues please try some of the troubleshooting methods below, or contact the IPAA SA team at or phone 08 8212 7555 for assistance.


After the event or training session:

You will be invited to provide your feedback on the session. If you have had access issues please include these in your feedback so we can continue to improve our online session.


Further IT Assistance 

If you have not been able to resolve your access issues through the FAQ’s available below please email us at, through the email address provided in correspondence for this event or training session, or call 08 8212 7555.

FAQ's and Troubleshooting for Vimeo

  • Ensure you are using a browser and operating system supported by Vimeo. We recommend using Chrome or Firefox..
  • Check with your IT Administrator that the website is not being blocked by a firewall.
  • If you are using a work VPN disconnect from this.
  • Check your audio settings and ensure your audio is not muted, as well as that the Vimeo video player is not muted.
  • If you are using headphones or external speakers, ensure the correct audio output is selected.  or for Apple Mac users here.
  • If these steps do not work you can also try accessing Vimeo through another device, such as a phone or tablet with an internet connection.

Further steps to troubleshoot your audio are available for windows users here or for Apple Mac users here.