The Uluru Statement from the Heart is an invitation to the Australian people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to “walk with us in a movement of the Australian people for a better future”.

During this thought-provoking event we invited people to better understand the Uluru Statement from the Heart by listening to a diverse range of speakers.

It was issued in May 2017 following a ground-breaking process of 12 deliberative regional dialogues held across Australia – including one in South Australia – attended by local traditional owners, Indigenous community-based organisations and leaders. Each dialogue selected their own representatives to attend the First Nations Constitutional Convention at Uluru where, by an overwhelming consensus, more than 250 delegates endorsed the Uluru Statement.

The Uluru Statement seeks structural reform based on principles of justice and self-determination to give Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples greater say in and authority over decisions that affect them. Specifically, it calls for a constitutionally enshrined First Nations Voice to Parliament and a Makarrata Commission to supervise a process of agreement-making and truth-telling. These reforms are encapsulated as Voice, Treaty, Truth.

Since the Uluru Statement was issued, it has garnered widespread public support and backing from a wide and diverse range of community and corporate sector organisations as well as leading legal bodies and scholars.

At this event, attendees had the opportunity to:
  • Hear how the Uluru Statement came to be, what it seeks, and why it is important
  • Learn what South Australian Government, the broader community and corporate sectors are doing in regards to the aspirations expressed in the Uluru Statement

Speakers and Panellists at this event included:

  • David Brown, Chief Executive, Department for Correctional Services
  • Kim Cheater, Partner, Adelaide, PwC Australia
  • Professor Megan Davis, Pro Vice-Chancellor Indigenous and Balnaves Chairs in Constitutional Law, Indigenous Law Centre, University of NSW
  • Arrin Hazelbane, Senior Aboriginal Policy and Project Officer, Youth Justice, Department of Human Services
  • Jim McDowell, Chief Executive, Department of the Premier and Cabinet
  • Kirstie Parker, Acting Executive Director of Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Watch the full Uluru Statement from the Heart Recording Below

Disclaimer: This video contains an unedited transcript

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