Effective communication today requires a strong understanding of both your audience and the best practice tools for crafting engaging and persuasive content. As a government communicator, another challenging layer is added, where you must act as a translator for government jargon, into language that your intended audience can engage with and take action on. In this series you will gain an in-depth view of the government communications space. Whether you have some basic knowledge or are completely new to the industry, you will gain important skills and strategies on how to communicate effectively and with purpose to meet the goals of your department/agency.

This series is made-up of 3 key masterclass sessions, wherein each you will explore a different facet of effective government communication.


Masterclass 1: Effective Communication Strategy for Government
  • Developing strategies for Government
  • Internal communications
  • External communications
  • A range of communication strategies for you to tailor to your own comms
Masterclass 2: Effective Writing for Government
  • Translating Government internal language into reader-friendly wording
  • Writing to be read and to achieve an outcome
  • The style and structure of successful writing in 2024
  • Writing for a range of Government applications – from email to web, news articles to social, reports to outlines.
Masterclass 3: Effective Online Communication for Government
  • Reviewing your existing digital footprint
  • Maximising online engagement
  • Using web sites, email and social media to engage with stakeholders
  • Developing a range of online content for online platforms
  • Intranets and staff engagement

Who should attend?

  • Managers and leaders (middle to lower management) in the government communications space who are interested in improving their skills to make more effective decisions regarding marketing and communications.
  • Policy or administrative officers who are handed responsibility for communicating a program or project information without any formal training in communication.

These courses are for skill development and suitable for anyone who is working with internal or external communications in government and would like to develop and refine their skill-set.


By the end of this course you will have a depth of understanding on not only who your audience(s) are, but also how you can craft content that will effectively engage with them. Your department/agency will benefit from effective and streamlined communications that are based on current best-practices.

Learn about our facilitator

David Rawlings

Landmark Media

David Rawlings is a seasoned communications professional with 30 years experience in connecting audiences with the right message. His expertise spans government, corporate and not-for-profit and a vast range of industries, represented by local, national and global clients. He cares about the impact of words, and helps organisations find the perfect mix to stand out and connect in a crowded marketplace.


3 half-days
9:00am -12:30pm (Adelaide Time)
(8:45am registration)

Competency framework
Government staff in any internal or external communications role

Digital workbook and resources

Online via Microsoft Teams
(virtual classroom)

Personal Member $760
State Govt Employee Member $860
Corporate Member $890
Non-member $950

This course can be delivered In-Agency. Contact us to discuss the delivery of this course within your department.

  • David was one of the best presenters I have had the pleasure of learning from - his content was relevant, he was adaptable to the needs of the room and presented in a way that made it easy to understand and learn from AND relate it back to my needs/role


    SA Health