Benefits for Mentors

It is important to not only understand the immerse sense of self-achievement and altruism you will get from helping a mentee, but you will also benefit in a variety of ways. As a mentor, you can enjoy many benefits, including:

  • Gaining insights from your mentee’s background and history.
  • Your professional and personal development.
  • Gaining satisfaction in sharing your expertise with others.
  • Re-energizing your career.
  • Gaining an ally to help promote your organization’s well-being.
  • Learning more about other areas within your organization.
  • Building a relationship with someone outside your area and thus increasing your networks.
  • Gain important skills in listening, questioning, facilitation, empathising and rapport building, which helps to improve your leadership skills.

Benefits for Mentees

There are so many benefits of using mentoring in career development, including the following:

  • Learning from your mentor’s expertise and networking with them.
  • Receiving critical feedback in key areas, such as communications, interpersonal, relationships, technical abilities, change management, and leadership skills.
  • Developing a sharper focus on what you need to grow professionally within your organization and within your industry.
  • Learning specific skills and knowledge that are relevant to professional and personal goals.
  • Gaining knowledge about your organization’s culture and unspoken rules that can be critical for success.
  • Having a friendly ear with which to share frustrations as well as successes.


View the full document and Mentor / Mentee Commandments here.



Mentoring Complete 2021, Mentoring Benefits, Mentoring Complete, viewed 14 September 2021, <>.


IPAA SA Mentoring Program

We have a 6 month Mentoring Program exclusively available for all IPAA SA Personal Members. This is a great opportunity to build a strong relationship with someone in the public sector with similar goals or interests. Connect with new people, reflect on your current skills, learn something new, receive feedback and challenge your thinking.

If you want to find out more click here, or contact us if you would like to speak to a team member.