Treaty, Truth and Voice – spotlight on First Nations Women

We need to really make sure that we amplify our voices as women and make sure that we let people know that we are women of strength and that we’re strong. And we’re going to continue to fight for...

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Three ways to improve your teams engagement and performance

Engagement and performance are both buzzwords for managers, but what can you do practically as a leader and manager to improve these across your team? From our two newest courses to the program (which you can find below), we...

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Lessons in Long Service – Insights from Ruth Ambler FIPAA

“I haven’t met a public servant who doesn’t work hard and get up in the morning to really make a difference” Ruth Ambler FIPAA, an IPAA SA Member for over 20 years, has been on a career journey across...

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Lessons in Long Service – Insights with Anne Bosio MIPAA

“I’ve really had a really good career, and my career’s not in management terms; it’s actually as a sociologist and understanding how social systems work”. How do you sum up 44 years in public service in a half-hour interview?...

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How to set Realistic and Achievable Goals

Dream BIG and seize every opportunity. Have you thought about your career goals for this year and beyond and how you will take advantage of every opportunity? Studies from Harvard Business School have shown that people who set goals...

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Podcasts for the Public Sector

Looking for a podcast to get inspired, learn something new or to confirm that you are going in the right direction? IPAA have some public sector specific podcasts which feature some insightful conversations with local public service professionals. IPAA...

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Benefits of being a Mentor or Mentee

Benefits for Mentors It is important to not only understand the immerse sense of self-achievement and altruism you will get from helping a mentee, but you will also benefit in a variety of ways. As a mentor, you can...

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Understanding Emotional Intelligence (EQ/EI)

The term ‘Emotional Intelligence’ entered our management vocabulary in the late 90s and is now part of the vernacular in most workplaces. Despite this 20 year ‘history’, there is still much debate about what it is…and isn’t. Emotional Intelligence...

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10 things you can do to reach your career goals

10 Things You Can Do to Reach Your Career Goals in 2021… 

It’s nearly time to say goodbye to 2020 (insert sigh of relief here) and with a new year on the horizon, now is the perfect time to start thinking about pursuing career goals that you may have been forced to...

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Satya Nadella: Insights for Australia’s Public Sector from the Microsoft CEO

Satya Nadella is a man who has reached the absolute peak of his profession. At just 52 years of age he has been the CEO of global tech giant Microsoft Corporation for almost 6 years. On 21 November Satya...

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